Homeward Realty was recently presented with the Hometown Hero award from Modern Woodmen for our community service. We are so excited and honored to receive this award. A huge company focus for us is giving back into our community. As a company, we try to give back in some capacity each month.
Each agent at our office chooses an area they wish to give back to each year. We all work together for that area/organization that's important to them. It's special to come together for a cause that means something to our agents. Each time, the community work is different. We've done volunteering, raising donations and supplies, serving, and so much more. We love that our small company can not only make an impact, but be a part as well. It's not a "give a donation and never see where it goes or who it impacted." We love to give and love to be a part of the giving as well. I think that's what makes our company so unique.
We are excited to receive this award and hope it motivates others to give back too. Winston Churchill said "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."